8 inexpensive and fun home improvement hacks

8 inexpensive and fun home improvement hacks

If you’re starting to make improvements to your home, you’re probably really excited about plans and possibilities. However, many people shy away from making upgrades eventually because of the costs involved, especially if they hire a professional. But there are a ton of ways that you could make home improvements without spending too much from your pocket. Here are some inexpensive DIY hacks that could help you improve your home without a professional’s intervention.

Apply a fresh paint coat on the front door
Your front door is the first thing that most family and friends notice before you welcome them inside. So applying a fresh coat of vibrant paint could help make a good first impression. But you do not need to hire a professional to get this job done. If you want a smoother finish, you could use sandpaper to smoothen the door’s surface first, followed by using a paintbrush and paint of your choosing to complete the project. You could skip the sandpaper and directly apply the paint if the door is in great condition, and you’d still get a decent finish. After the paint has dried, you could hang a couple of ornaments on the door. Placing ornaments based on the holiday season could help keep the entrance looking fresh all year round.

Give door knobs, latches, and hinges a makeover
If you’re going to paint the door, you might as well go the extra mile and give the knobs, latches, and hinges a makeover. These door parts are usually quite expensive to replace, so painting them yourself is a much more affordable option. All you need to do is pick a can of spray paint for your choice and apply a coat or two to the knobs, hinges, and latches. However, ensure you cover the areas around the door with old newspaper or other disposable material. Doing so will help prevent the spray paint from ruining the fresh paint on the door.

Use velcro on photo frames
Traditionally, people tend to drill holes into walls and hammer in nails to put up picture frames. But this results in too many holes inside the structure that may cost money to repair later on. Furthermore, drilling might not always be the safest option and can lead to accidents. Hiring a professional to do the job may also cost a significant amount. So as an alternative, you should consider using velcro hanging strips to keep picture frames in place. Attach the hard (hook) portion of the velcro to the wall and the soft (loop) section to the frame. Once you join the two sides, it will stay in place for ages until you pull it off to clean the picture frame.

Patch nail holes with putty
If there are already several holes in your walls, it is high time to make improvements by filling these spaces. The easiest way to fill these holes is by using a spackle knife and lightweight putty. Prepare the putty based on the packet instructions, and fill each hollow in the wall with the paste. Following this, scrape off excess and uneven material from the wall. Also, once the paste has dried, use sandpaper to smoothen the surface and apply paint with a primer. The paint will help make the patched space look more pleasing to you and to family and friends who come over.

Opt for string lights
One of the best DIY hacks to improve various segments of your home is to use string lights. These lights are often inexpensive and are available in multiple shapes, lengths, and colors. String lights will help give your home a significant ambiance boost. They can go up in your living room, bedroom, patio, lawn, and in the kitchen. Moreover, you could shape these lights to represent letters and objects that symbolize a particular occasion.

Varnish metal to prevent rust
Rusting is an oxidation reaction that may occur in most metal objects with time. And despite the vintage look that it gives off, rust may also be dangerous if it comes in contact with an open wound. Therefore, it is imperative to prevent rusting at home. Replacing something made of metal or trying to get the effects of oxidation off could prove to be expensive. So as an alternative, you could apply a clear coat of nail varnish on the surface of the object. The liquid coat may also help make the metal object look shiny and attractive.

Replace wooden cabinet inserts with glass
Several households use wooden cabinet doors, which are a wonderful aesthetic choice. However, wood may spoil with time, and replacing it might cost a good deal of money. So you could go DIY with these cabinets and replace the wooden insert with an inexpensive glass alternative. You could do this by yourself at home. If you do not know how the cabinetry may turn out, attempt the project with small cabinets before you try to make alterations to the big unit.

Use peel-and-stick wallpaper
Your home may require paint every couple of years. However, it may happen that you do not like the freshly applied paint. Instead of spending money on replacing the choice with expensive paint, you should use peel-and-stick wallpaper. These are available in various shades, patterns, and colors, which could make your walls look more vibrant. Wallpaper may also come in handy when you want to improve how a particular space in your home looks, such as the closet or the powder room.